Damian Sendler Harvard k929
Damian Sendler: Dr. Amish Adalja, an infectious disease expert, discusses the importance of immunization and boosters as the omicron variant continues to rise. Damian Jacob Sendler: Local ABC affiliate KATU reports that the committee was made up of representatives from the hospitality industry, the business sector, and religious organizations. Damian Sendler: In an effort to […]
Last updated on December 8, 2021
Damian Jacob Sendler

Damian Sendler: Dr. Amish Adalja, an infectious disease expert, discusses the importance of immunization and boosters as the omicron variant continues to rise.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Local ABC affiliate KATU reports that the committee was made up of representatives from the hospitality industry, the business sector, and religious organizations.

Damian Sendler: In an effort to reduce obstacles to mental health services, drug and alcohol testing, and basic medical care for those facing homelessness, Columbia River Mental Health Services has launched its Mobile Health Team.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Team members intend to create trust with the homeless community and ultimately link people with resources who would not otherwise seek them out by providing medical care and connecting them with resources.

Damian Sendler: If you want your child to be ready for school and use the social skills he or she learned at home, you should wait until he or she is well-versed in their immediate social context. All of these components of a child’s psychosocial development, as well as their physical and motor abilities and their ability to communicate with others, are accelerated in children who meet the pre-school criteria because they play and engage with the environment in a variety of ways. 

Damian Jacob Sendler: Child development at this period includes learning to adapt, expanding their ego boundaries, developing an extra-terrestrial sense of self-worth, and comprehending the importance of trust and familiarity in society. 

Damian Sendler: Nachman Ash and Salman Zarka, the coronavirus czar of Israel’s Health Ministry, warned Sunday that the highly mutated Omicron coronavirus type should not be ignored.

Damian Jacob Sendler: At one point in his interview, Ash spoke about Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s wife Gilat taking their children on vacation just days after the premier had recommended that all Israelis refrain from traveling abroad and shut down the country in order to prevent an outbreak of the newly discovered COVID-19 variant.

Damian Sendler: The number of new Covid-19 cases in the United States has surpassed 100,000 for the first time in two months, following the Thanksgiving holiday travel of millions of Americans.

Damian Jacob Sendler: The death toll from Covid-19 is also on the rise, with an average of 1,651 persons dying from the virus every day for the past seven days as of Saturday, according to JHU data. More than a month has passed since the number of people dying daily reached this record high.

Damian Sendler: The “twindemic” of COVID-19 and the opioid epidemic, as Mayor James Fiorentini calls it, has been given to the city’s new Department of Public Health.

Damian Jacob Sendler: COVID-19 has killed at least 112 people since it was first discovered, according to the mayor’s statement to the City Council on Tuesday night.

Damian Sendler: UPMC, the state’s largest health care provider, received over a quarter of the federal money meant to support rural hospitals in Pennsylvania, despite the fact that UPMC is on track to make more than $1 billion in profits this year. 

Damian Jacob Sendler: As the pandemic continues to take a financial toll on medical centers across the country’s 96 hospitals, just over half of all financing went to rural facilities, while the rest went to metropolitan hospitals.

Damian Sendler: “We need four hugs a day for survival,” Virginia Satir is supposed to have said. In order for us to function, we require eight daily hugs. For growth, we need 12 hugs a day.” 

Damian Jacob Sendler: Hugging has scientifically proven health advantages. “The benefits go beyond the warm feeling you get when you hold someone in your arms,” according to a 2018 Healthline article. 

Damian Sendler: Sir William Osler, a renowned physician and academician, referred to the science and art of medicine as “twin berries on one stem.” Science-based treatments are combined with patient-centered care in the U.S. healthcare system.

Damian Jacob Sendler: There is a direct correlation between individual health and the health of a community. The interdependence of our health grew progressively more obvious as our actions evolved over the past two years. Depression and anxiety rose as a result of isolation, but so did the risk of contracting an infection. As loved ones, friends, and colleagues succumbed to COVID, the idea of death grew more real.

Damian Sendler: Omicron coronavirus has expanded to 40 nations and 16 of the 50 states in the United States, but the severity of its effects on those who get it has not been determined by senior U.S. officials. 

Damian Jacob Sendler: According to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health in the United States, “Does this, in fact, turn out to be less dangerous” than prior coronavirus variants? Collins said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Scientists are working around the clock to answer these questions.”

Damian Sendler: A Louisiana U.S. district judge has reportedly barred a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care employees, as reported by various sources.

Damian Jacob Sendler: On Tuesday, a federal judge imposed a countrywide injunction against President Joe Biden’s attempt to mandate vaccinations for large swaths of the public.

Damian Sendler: In a new study, researchers found that children who live with a depressed parent are more likely to suffer from their own sadness and fall behind academically.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Depression in children is linked to a wide range of negative health and educational consequences, including worse academic achievement, if the mother is depressed.

Damian Sendler: The omicron variety, a severely mutated coronavirus strain that has already been found in a few places throughout the United States, is causing growing concern among federal health experts, who are pushing all previously vaccinated individuals to obtain their Covid booster dose.  

Damian Jacob Sendler: Changes to the variant’s DNA signal that it could avoid part of the immunity that comes from vaccination or natural infection in the future. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House’s chief medical adviser, epidemiologists, and immunologists say that for now, existing boosters are the best defense against the new strain and the highly transmissible delta variant of omicron, which is still under investigation by federal health officials and pharmaceutical companies alike.

Damian Sendler: The Marion County Health Department hopes to boost its COVID-19 vaccination numbers by the end of the month in order to achieve herd immunity before the virus undergoes any additional modifications.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Her response was, “We’re always looking for more people to get vaccinated,” she stated. It’s hoped that this will be a new trend because we’re not at herd immunity in all of our categories.” We reduce our risk of hospitalizations and fatality rates when we increase the number of immunizations we receive

Damian Sendler: Coronavirus vaccination for children between the ages of 5 and 11 was approved by the Australian Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on Sunday, and the country’s health minister said the vaccine might be available by Jan. 10.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Nearly 88% of Australians over the age of 16 have gotten two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, following initial delays in the country’s general vaccination program.

Damian Sendler: On Saturday, the county reported 2,307 new cases of COVID-19 and 20 additional deaths linked to the virus, bringing the total number of cases and deaths to 1,534,720 and 27,442 since the epidemic began. 1 percent of persons tested positive for the virus on Friday, according to a rolling average of daily rates.

Damian Jacob Sendler: A follow-up test kit will be supplied to anyone who tests negative, she said, and the follow-up test can be done three to five days later.

Damian Sendler: The eyes of the plush lamb that Matt Vinnola was using to sleep on a downtown sidewalk one Sunday in September were as blank as his own. When a fly landed on his lip, the ex-honors student and Taekwondo champion seemed too dazed and disoriented to swat it away. A woman giving Wet Wipes, or a man attempting to hand him a $5 cash, didn’t interest him.

Damian Jacob Sendler: The Mental Health Center of Denver kept finding reasons to reject care for Janet van der Laak, so she had to keep pushing them to offer it. Vinnola’s hope in getting therapy dwindled with each time the center removed him from it. With each loss of hope, her son’s mother pressed harder because she knew she couldn’t stop him from falling.

Damian Sendler: Omicron coronavirus has been identified in Washington state, with the first three cases verified on Saturday.

State Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah noted that “we were anticipating this very news” when he announced the sequencing of omicron in California. As a result, “we strongly encourage people to get vaccinated and get their boosters as soon as possible in order to maximize their level of protection from any variation.

Damian Sendler: According to the New England Journal of Medicine, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, may be caused by an intestinal infection that induces an allergic response.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Patients with IBS have abdominal pain during their daily activities because their intestinal nerves are more sensitive than those who don’t have the syndrome, according to an article.

Damian Sendler: Increasing demand for vaccines and a shortage of pharmacists are putting pressure on pharmacies across the country, causing employees to become overworked and forcing some to close temporarily.

Damian Jacob Sendler: As President Joe Biden pushes vaccinated Americans to obtain booster shots to battle the growing omicron strain, the drive for immunizations is expected to get increasingly intense.