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Damian Sendler: Adolescents’ daily lives, social functioning, and physical health might be adversely affected by their parents’ severe somatic disorders.  Damian Jacob Sendler: Adolescents viewed their parents’ physical illness as a source of stress and growth for them personally as well as in their relationships. Damian Sendler: A wide range of health outcomes have been […]
Last updated on November 25, 2021
Damian Jacob Sendler

Damian Sendler: Adolescents’ daily lives, social functioning, and physical health might be adversely affected by their parents’ severe somatic disorders. 

Damian Jacob Sendler: Adolescents viewed their parents’ physical illness as a source of stress and growth for them personally as well as in their relationships.

Damian Sendler: A wide range of health outcomes have been linked to various aspects of women’s empowerment.

Damian Jacob Sendler: A growing number of experts and development groups have focused on women’s empowerment during the past three decades.

Damian Sendler: There were two phases to the Ananya program in Bihar: a first phase of intensive ancillary support to government implementation and innovation testing by non-government organizations (NGO) partners. 

Damian Jacob Sendler: All FLW indicators related to prenatal and postnatal care, as well as mother’s birth readiness, some nursing behaviors, and immunizations, increased dramatically in the focus districts in the first phase.

Damian Sendler: Children under the age of 3 are rarely included in data on oral health.

Damian Jacob Sendler: Young children’s brushing habits are greatly influenced by their parents’ brushing habits and the level of parental support for brushing. Efforts to enhance children’s brushing habits should target the entire family.